All the way with you, at any time!

The 5 Best Reasons Why You Should Use our Support Services in Australia

1 blue

Australian Expertise

Leave your study project in the hand of professionals: 15-year experience in Australian Education along your side, a solid field experience and guarantee of the quality of our Australian partners

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360° Services

Our team lived the Australian experience and will offer you fully integrated, customised solutions and assistance throughout your study project in Australia from the day you contact us to the end of your stay, with constant reactivity to your needs

3 blue

Free Advice and Assessment

We will identify and assess your needs and interests, then propose you several study options adapted to your budget (at all education level from hundreds of courses), before taking any decision about your study project in Australia.

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100% of our students recommend us, we represent the most prestigious institutions in Australia, we can offer over hundreds of courses, we work closely with diplomatic and industry bodies

5 blue

International Connections

You will benefit from our presence, networks and student community over 3 continents: Paris, Lyon, Sydney, Noumea

What about learning more about important matters?

Since we feel that you need to be constantly informed about the opportunities you can have in Australia, we organise regular Workshops about different topics at our Sydney office. They will last from 1,5 to 2 hours.


info aqua
  • Immigration workshop: We invite an accredited migration agent to come and talk about the immigration opportunities you can have access to after your student or Working Holiday visa in Australia expires.
  • Coaching Workshops: We invite some professionals specialised in Coaching so that they can give you the right guidance to find a long term employment in your area (remake of your CV, improve your LinkedIn profile, prepare you for your next job interviews…)
  • CV Workshops: Our team in Sydney will help you revise and improve your CV to find casual jobs.
exclaimation aqua Places are limited, you need to book in advance
calendar aqua Check the dates on our Facebook page
price aqua Most are free of charge; some may cost from AU$25













Interested? Do you have questions?

Sydney Office - Australia

(61) 413 001 160


10:00am – 6.00pm, Monday to Friday (Sydney time); appointment upon request only

France Arnaud

Bureau de Sydney - Australie

(61) 412 476 672

(61) 413 001 160


10:00h – 18:00h, Lundi au Vendredi (Heure de Sydney); uniquement sur rendez-vous

France Arnaud

Noumea Office - New Caledonia

96 91 93

Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm

France Arnaud smallSydney round

France Arnaud

Noumea - Nouvelle Caledonie

96 91 93

9h00 - 17h00 (du lundi au vendredi) - uniquement sur rendez-vous téléphonique

France Arnaud smallSydney round

France Arnaud